Senin, Januari 20, 2014

My Opinion ( Tugas ke-4 Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer)

Health Card

        With the health card, this is one form of The Government's attention to the citizens. As one of the benefit is to help people who do not have enough money for medication. The poor people begin to fill the hospital, even they go there only because of flu, headache, or any mild disease. I think The Government must provide the rules and regulation immediately in this thing. If it is only the mild disease then they should go to the Clinic or Puskesmas. But when they have severe pain,then they can go to the hospital. I'm sure that it will help the Clinic or Puskesmas to improve itself be better with the complete facilities.

See and Do 

    Generally, children have an extraordinary memory in their head. They can record anything they had seen and heard, and they memorize it in their mind. In their early age period, the parent must be careful with their action and anything they said. Because the children in this age enthusiast to imitate anything they got from their parent, and then the children will applicate it to others in their socialization process with environment. 
     That is why the parent have an important act to characterize the children. As we know, family is the smallest environment to build and characterize the children. 

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